
Friday Fav Five V. 4

Posted by Bitten Usagi at 10:00 AM
OMG  if you guys don't read Gronk by Katie Cook, you're completely missing out.  Especially on today's comic... which I told my husband pretty much sums us up completely.  XDDD

The comments on this video are full of hate about how this isn't real metal but I like it and I gotta say that it only works because it's JPop vocals over metal music.  American pop just wouldn't have the same effect.  I love how they describe it in this article, though.  "for those of us whose musical tastes fall somewhere in the middle, Babymetal is kind of like a magical, leather-clad, fire-breathing, sonic unicorn."

I should probably be ashamed of how hard I laughed over this but it's still making me laugh...

New Blog Love:  Superheroesque.  I especially love the posts How I Learned to Love the Geek post and the Public Geekness post, where we get this quote:
So true and in the comments of that post user "A Bit of Geek" was talking about getting crap about being a "fake" if you mention it too much and I think Mia's reply about how if it were a guy who had written the same post no one would have accused them of being a faker.  Perhaps not, but in my experience guys are the first to jump to call anyone else a fake geek...

Book boyfriends (or girlfriends).  Is there really much else to say?  Haha!  So tell me, who is your book boyfriend/girlfriend?



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