About Me

My real name is Cat, but I go by BittenUsagi in most places around the interwebz.  I'm a wife to a wonderful man who also happens to be one of my best friends.  I'm mother to my little warrior Darius (Born May 2011) and another warrior, Miss K, is due to arrive March 11th. 

I'm owner and photographer of Bitten Photography where I specialize in portraits, cosplay and pinup photography.  I'm also owner and geeky crochet artist at Bitten Designs.  Pretty much there's geek in pretty much all that I do, haha.  Probably a result of having too many fandoms.

I'm a geek who was raised by another geek.  I love fantasy and sci-fi and was raised on music, television and movies from before my time (and in many cases before my mother's time as well- either a result of them being loved by my dad or grandparents).  As a result I've often bonded with older generations easier than my own. 

I've been a reader and writer since I could do either and look forward to the madness that is NaNoWriMo every year, which also happens to be the month of my birth (November).  I rarely read or write anything that's not some kind of fantasy or science fiction.  I prefer my writing and what I read to transport me to somewhere new to explore.

I love the expression of body mods such as tattoos, piercings and hairdye.  I'm also a lover of colored contacts and special fx contacts like circle lenses.  Pretty much I see oneself as a canvas to decorate rather than a temple to be kept in mint condition.

I probably seem quite contradictory at times as my religious and political views are neither right nor left and I despise the labels of democrat and republican to the point of them feeling more like dirty words that bring about more harm than good than labels of groups with opposing points of view.  Along those lines, my parenting style is just mine and I really don't consider myself to be part of any kind of a technique like attachment parenting or whatnot.  I do what I think is right and if that means letting my kids crawl in bed with us at 3 am that's my (er, our) choice.


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