
Finding My Path

Posted by Bitten Usagi at 12:30 PM
Well I got one post out this week...
*shifty eyes*
So the last week or so has been me examining photography and what I like about it and don't like about it and if you follow me on Twitter you also know I had to write down some strengths and weaknesses and was having a terrible time of it and got super down on myself as a result.  Part of me is ready to graduate and another part of me is like "whoa, no... so not ready for this" and completely terrified that I've wasted the last few years and oh so many thousands of dollars on an education for something I'm not good enough at.
See that?  That's me spilling my guts out.  Be gentle.

So after examining what I like and don't like (and not even going over the strengths & weaknesses bit that I spent oh so much time stressing over) I've pinned down what I want out of my photography and wondered why the hell I've been sticking with such safe photography.  
When the HELL did I get so damn timid???
In High School my favorite activity was drama.  I lived for drama and it was really the only thing that kept me going.  I took chances with my art and I wasn't afraid to talk to anyone, what the hell happened to me???  Now I can't even approach anyone.  Umm hello I've sold sex toys as a job!  This should be easy peasy.
So now it's shoot, shoot, shoot.  In fact a large part of today's to-do list is finishing up some photos for a friend to then see if she'll model again.  I'm so slow at editing, but getting faster as I work at it, damn perfectionist side.
Another "funny" thing- in my research the number of photographers I feel my model should get for her time is a hell of a lot more than many give their models for several hundred dollars. O.o So that's how so many photographers make a killing.

So yeah.  That's what's up and why I've been neglecting my blog.  Was told I needed to do some serious research into the area I want to go into and I have been.  Funny though, doesn't seem like research should be this awesome.  I'm thinking I'll do some artist spotlights with the artists I've found here in the near future, so have no fear, I will share you you my findings of awesome.



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