I had one of those days today, guys.
One of those days where I have to step back and crunch numbers to see if it's even worth all that.
I'm a blur from place to place and have been and will have to be for at least two more years.
It makes me sick to think about it. I can't. I can't keep doing this for that long. Problem is I don't know which direction to go. What to drop, what to focus on to get me out of this rut.
I hate it. I hate the rushing from place to place. I hate not being there for my babies and my current schedule is a wreck. I have to work late to minimize what we have to pay a sitter and then I can't get to sleep at a reasonable time if I want to get anything else done in the day but then I can't get out of bed in the morning and then I rush around until I have to herd everyone out of the house.
Rinse and repeat.
I want to pursue my art but I can't afford to but not pursuing it is killing me inside.
Oh and one of those reasons I can't afford to?
Crippling student loan debt.
For an art degree.
That is utterly useless.
I just feel like it's bad that the Isolation room in the first episode of Mind Field sounds appealing right now I guess.
So... how was your day? Please tell me something that made you laugh today.