First up is an amazing app I just discovered thanks to this post by Rowan Pendragon, called Evernote. It's sooooo nice. I'm terrible and have a ridiculous amount of blogs to comment on but then I forget and end up with a huge list. Until now my phone has been covered in Sticky Notes and I lived in fear of losing them so this app is perfect. It's a pain to comment from my phone on blogs so now I have a notebook of what I wanted to comment on, what I'm saving to read later, blog ideas, etc. Hopefully it'll help with these posts too! I'm so in love with it already and you can use the Web Clipper to save pages. Seriously if you need help staying organized this is awesome. Rowan also has lots of good tips and I've started a journal and made two of the goal charts too.
Second, I have this Timelapse of the Earth from the International Space Station. I just... I love this video. It's so beautiful I can't get over it. Just... WOW.
Third, Dina Goldstein's Dollhouse Series. She's the same one who did the Fallen Princesses Series which I'm sure you've seen as it's made it's rounds on the internet several times.
Fourth is this info-graphic of A Snapshot of the Photography Industry. It makes me a bit sad to see companies ceasing production of film types. Traditional photography is what made me fall in love and it's so depressing to not have a dark room to continue to do it with. The feeling of developing your own film and prints is unrivaled. *sigh* Okay so there are things I miss about college.
Lastly I have a theory that cute kids are a bajillion times cuter when dressed in geek gear or doing geek activities. As proof of this theory I present the Cosplay Kids Tumblr. I can't wait to send in pics of D at NDK. I'm working on 2 cosplays for him. So excited.
I swear one of these days I'll post more than just links but I'm tired and meh. Lol. Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!! We're halfway to another weekend!
I love Evernote I use it all the time to keep ideas for future blogs. I still haven't figured out a good follow up system but I think you can sync Evernote with Google Calendar. I may need to work on that.
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