So I said I was going to do this today and damnit I am!!
In the spirit of what the blog's original intent was I'm going to try and bring you a new webcomic every Wednesday, or every other. Okay let's go with as often as I can okay? My semester is killing me slowly so just bear with me. Love me through it and I'll love you back.
So when I was at Nan Desu Kan in October I went to a panel called "Webcomics: Friend or Foe?" just so I could bring what I learned back to you lovelies and my YouTube watchers. The panel was about the advantages and disadvantages of webcomics and in the process I got introduced into some new webcomics. I haven't had a chance to check them all out (*shakes fist* damn you college "education") but I have done quite a bit of reading of one of them and after that I feel I must recommend:
Angry Faerie
by Scott Springer
He showed two comics at the panel that made me fall in love with Angry Faerie but first one of them from the beginning that I loved. Also I support her burying the hatchet in Mika. It's what he deserves for whistling Celine Dion. *shudders*
Now here's the one's he showed at the panel:
This one is my all time favoritie:
So pretty much you should check it out. She gets in a fight with Tinkerbell after calling her a corporate shill. It's pretty awesome. Plus Scott's a local artist (Denver) and that ups his awesome by lots so yeah.
So go my little friends and enjoy Angry Faerie by Scott Springer who is a pretty cool guy. PS his name links to his Twitter where you can stalk him as we do in this beautiful age of google maps, twitter and facebook.