

Posted by Bitten Usagi at 3:06 PM 0 comments
So I haven't been blogging here often but I'm still trying to adjust to have this little warrior and trying to keep him happy and manage some me time. So I've gotten a new blogger app for my phone and decided I'd give it a try. Ok, so Darius isn't the only excuse for my absence. I got burnt out on blogging. With baby on the way I started listening to bloggers about how to get yourself out there and hopefully make some money because, well I like the idea of being a work at home or stay at home mom. Plus most jobs would pretty much only cover the cost of childcare. And hell... the first time I was away from my son was this last Sunday for a whole 4 hours. (And that was rough on the nursing front- D is not a fan of bottles and I forgot my pump in Greeley & we were back home for 4 days- ouchies) Anyway so I tried to get myself out there and blogged regularly. Only to lose followers so I got discouraged but ya know what? Screw it. I'll do what I want. Don't like my opinion? Piss off. Don't like my writing? Piss off. Don't like the subjects of my posts? Piss off. With that being said this will be my geek space. I will cuss. I will rant. I will rave. I will fangirl the fuck out. Want family stuff? Go to my family blog: www.codyandcatmills.blogspot.com Want my photography? Go to my website: www.bittenphotography.com Here's to a new start and going back to not caring about follower counts and bs that doesn't mean anything in the real world and geeking out over stuff that matters to me. ^w^

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